Founder, Caughlin Ranch Climate Club
Tilli shared her story on how the frequency and intensity of wildfires have impacted her community at a Nevada State Interim Committee meeting on Natural Resources. The Nevada Governor heard her public comment and visited she and her climate advocate classmates at their local elementary school!
Emily met with her lawmakers during the Grassroot Girls Day at the Legislature and shared her concerns on mental health and school violence prevention. As part of our curriculum, the Grassroot Girls are asked to develop leave behinds to leave with their lawmakers after their meetings. Emily spent time researching her issue and supporting her ask with data, as you can see illustrated in the backdrop of her photo.
Badriya wrote to us expressing her concerns about climate change and the increase in school violence but she ultimately chose to speak to her lawmakers about religious equality, shown here. As a 14 year old African American Muslim, Badriya asked her lawmakers during the Grassroot Girl's Day at the Legislature to please consider legislation which would prevent school-aged children from being marked absent on their attendance records when they miss school for observing a major religious holiday. Badriya has been persistent in her outreach to her lawmakers and celebrated the passing of legislation that prohibits any student attending public school from being deprived of any award or any eligibility or opportunity to compete for an award because of an absence for the observation of a religious holiday!
Grassroot Girls introduced Jacy to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACSCAN). Jacy's mom is a lung cancer survivor who benefitted from biomarker testing but battled with their insurance provider for covering the testing. Jacy attended ACSCAN's Lobby Day where she and her mom shared their story and the importance of ensuring biomarker testing is accessible to disadvantaged communities. Grassroot Girls coached Jacy on her story and "making an ask" which led to her Assemblyman co-sponsoring the proposed legislation!
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